What do I do when a family member dies?
Upon the death of a spouse or family member, you as the survivor will have a variety of things to do, starting with funeral plans. After that, you will need to do at least some of the tasks below.
Who do I notify if a family member dies?
Notify the Social Security Office and any other payors of retirement and pension benefits.
Notify the Post Office,and arrange to have all bills and income sent to you.
Planning Your Estate:
How To Give Your Property To Others After You Die
(Probate Law in Utah)
Seniors often add relatives to their bank accounts to pay the bills in case they end up in the hospital. Some seniors also do this because they want to avoid probate.
Adding another person to your bank account could be risky. When you add someone else’s name to your account, you make them a joint owner of the account. There are risks involved in making someone a joint owner. You should be aware of the risks involved.
When you write a will by hand, it is called a holographic will. A holographic will is valid in Utah if it meets certain requirements.
Are handwritten or holographic wills legal?
Yes. Handwritten (holographic) wills are valid in Utah if they meet certain requirements.
Your home is often your largest asset. Before giving this up by deeding it to your children or someone else, understand the risks involved. Deeding your house to someone else could create major problems for your health, wealth, and security.
Here are some of the reasons why deeding your home to someone else is a bad idea:
After a home and a car, a funeral may be your most expensive purchase. Funeral plans are often made when people are grieving and under time constraints. Thinking ahead may help your loved ones as you choose the items you want and need. Planning your funeral also allows you to compare prices.
What are some of my choices for funeral plans?
Making plans in advance lets you choose among several types of ceremonies and dispositions, although your choice affects the cost.
The courts tell us that driving is not a right but a privilege, subject to control by government. Utah's Department of Public Safety, Driver License Division, which issues driver licenses, can revoke or suspend a license, or issue a restricted one.
There are various medical programs for low-income elderly individuals. For elderly individuals to be eligible, the household must meet specified asset and income limitations.
What are the different medical programs for the elderly?
Below are some of the medical programs for the elderly with links to the program for more detailed information:
There may come a time when you need to go to a nursing home. Because nursing home care is so expensive, many people need help from Medicaid to get care.
What is Medicaid?
Medicaid is a federal and state program that pays health care costs for low-income people. You must meet certain asset and income limits to get Medicaid.
A power of attorney is a document that gives someone else the right to act for you. People often use powers of attorney to let someone else handle their medical or financial affairs. In some cases, people use a power of attorney to let others help with their minor children. You can always change or take back a power of attorney as long as you are competent.
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