You have specific tenant rights as a victim of domestic violence. You can get new locks or end your rental contract.
How do I get my landlord to change my locks?
Write a letter to the landlord asking them to change the locks. Keep a copy of the letter. You must also give the landlord
a copy of the police report or protective order, and
pay the cost of installing the new lock.
After receiving the letter and documents, the landlord can rekey the lock or change the entire lock.
A civil stalking injunction is a legal document that is meant to protect a victim of stalking. It may include orders that prevent your stalker from contacting you, harassing you in any way, and staying away from your home and/or place of employment.
Although a civil stalking injunction is a civil order, if the provisions are violated, it may be enforced by the police, because the violation is a crime.
Utah law provides that a dating violence protective order may prohibit the abuser from threatening to commit or commit any form of violence or abuse against you and any named family or household member. The abuser can be ordered not to harass, telephone, contact, or otherwise communicate with you, directly or indirectly. In addition, the abuser can be ordered to stay away from your home and property, your school, or place of employment and the location of any of these, or any specified place frequented by you and any named family or household member.
A protective order is a legal document that is meant to protect a victim of abuse or domestic violence who is in a close relationship with the abuser. It may include orders that prevent your abuser from contacting you, abusing you, or harassing you in any way, and may order the abuser to stay away from your home and/or place of employment. It may also establish short term orders on child custody, support, and/or parent-time.
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